Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Thing #2- Thoughts on Web 2.0

I found the article “A Day in he Life of Web 2.0” to be really eye-opening as well as exciting. It definitely made me realize that no matter how much technology you are incoroporating in your classroom, you could always do more. It is slightly overwhelming to think about how much teaching will change over the next 27 or so years before I retire. Actually, I will probably be able to work a lot longer than that considering that with all the techonolgy available by that time there won’t be too much active movement required!


  1. I can only hope that you are right about technology reaching the level that would allow us to work longer. It is such a blessing to influence the lives of children.

  2. I agree, I am also thankful that technology is becoming such a big part of education now that I am just beginning my career so that I can learn and grow as technology evolves. I think I mentioned before in one of my blogs that I can't imagine teaching before the days of the internet. It's an exciting time to be a teacher!
