Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thing #4- Exploratory Reading

Reading in the "eduBlogosphere" made me think of all of the possibilities of blogging in the classroom. I particularly like what I read about using blogs as part of SSR time. Reading blogs is a completely new genre of reading and writing for students to enjoy. I think the commenting is what makes it different. Rather than one person sharing their ideas/opinions, commenting makes the blog more interactive and conversational. I think blogging is a great tool to facilitate learning in the classroom because it provides a way for students to reflect on their learning and think more meta cognitively as well as allowing teachers a way to give feedback and keep track of student understanding. I am really excited to start blogging with my kids next year, I think I am going to start with blogging about books. I think it will be a great way for students to generate excitement about books they are reading, recommend books to peers, and boost reading comprehension. Web 2.0 is a great way to merge classroom concepts with computer skills our students will need to succeed in a changing world. I look forward to discovering all the possibilities blogging has to offer with my students!


  1. Blogging about books is a great idea! I know a 5th grade teacher that even did a book study using a blog last year. Her kids loved it!

  2. Nice job of creating the link to the blog post that you referenced. That is definitely a 21st century skill for a blogger to have!

  3. Yes I'm really excited about it. That is a really good idea about the book study. I think I'm going to start with them blogging about read-alouds that we are reading in class. I teach third graders so I figure they might need some prompting in the beginning.

  4. I can't wait to try having the kids read blogs for SSR - I think that will make them want to read different things.
